Rod Leslie

Forest Vision – Transforming the Forestry Commission


Review by Pip Howard Early into the campaign against the Public Forest Estate sell off plans by the Coalition government, it became clear that many in the media, particularly many newspaper columnists, were drastically out of date with regards their viewpoint on the Forestry Commission, indeed continually around 20 – 30 years out of date. […]

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Tree Planting Grants Suspended


It has just emerged that there will be no Government grants for planting new woodlands in 2014 and 2015. The result of transitional arrangements towards new European grants under the Rural Development Programme, the suspension has apparently been limited in Scotland and Wales – but not in England.

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Forestry expert speaks out on proposals for our public forests


Forestry expert, Rod Leslie, warns against an uprising from the grassroots if Govt gets it wrong over our public forests

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All about the Money


Behind the debate on ownership of our national forests, the money question has always been there. How much should the forests cost the public purse ?

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How would you go about bringing 10,000 hectares of neglected wood back into management every year ?


Rod Leslie asks the million dollar question.. Whatever the answer, the options should be tested against what is ultimately best for our forests

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Forestry Commission Forever


Its official. On 31st January 2013 Government confirmed what we all knew and believed: the nationally owned forests of the Forestry Commission are one of the icons of English culture.

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The Future of the Forestry Commission


by Rod Leslie.. “For me, the break up of the Forestry Commission is a line in the sand because it will mean the Government will fail to deliver the promise of the IFP report.”

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Politics and the Forestry Panel


As the Government’s response to the Independent Panel approaches it’s clear there is only one way out of the political mess the Conservatives landed themselves in. That is to understand, accept and take action to turn the panel’s views into policy.

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Autumn Statement – Go for Growth – Go for Trees


At a time when leadership, vision and confidence are all important surely we cannot take the risk of being the country that can afford Trident but can’t afford it’s Trees.

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A Woodland Culture


As I step off the ride into the coppice I imagine a cowled and tonsured figure beside me. Here in Leigh Woods near Bristol we know from written records that the Monks of Leigh Abbey were managing these woods in just the same way at least 800 years ago.

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Chalkney Restored- a milestone for England’s Ancient Woodlands


Yesterday, 8th December 2011, marks a milestone for England’s Ancient Woodlands. At 11am Professor Oliver Rackham personally felled the last conifer in Chalkney Wood.

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Restoring Salcey Forest


Rod Leslie talks of the 1990 clear fells in Salcey Forest and the learning curve that led the Forestry Commission to create ‘something quite unique…’

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A Garden for Everyone? by Rod Leslie


In our crowded country we simply haven’t the space for everyone to have a garden, so why shouldn’t we have gardens for everyone? by Rod Leslie

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