public forest estate

“On hold” planned forest sales and what that means by hectare


The government’s announcement to put “on hold” planned sales of 15% of the public forest estate has no bearing on the proposed sale of the rest of our forest land.

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Government ignore 2009 Forestry Commission Consultation


The Forestry Commission completed and published “The long-term role of the Public Forest Estate in England” in late 2009. Why is the Government ignoring this consultation?

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Confused about what’s going on with the Public Forest Estate “Sell Off”?


Hen explores a timeline of the Public Forest Estate sell off. How did we get here?

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Expand public woodland with “big society”


“Big Society is coming” says David Cameron. But David, it’s already been happening for years in forestry.

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Public Forest Estate Categories: A Heritage Perspective


Cultural Landscapes Professor Peter Howard casts his eye over the forest “categories” in the Consultation.

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Is Government ignoring the real value of our forests?


How can you sell, the woods, the sky?

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How did your MP vote?


A list of how MPs voted in the House of Commons debate on February 2nd.

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Yes, things are tough but does forestry sell-off make sense?


Nick takes a step back to wonder how much sense the proposed sale makes when we really think about it.

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Access – Don’t just take our word for it


Access is a huge issue. Don’t just take our word for it. Here’s a roundup of some of the concerns being aired.

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Labour call for a vote on public forests


The Labour Party have announced they are calling on the government for a vote on public forest ownership.

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5 reasons for cheering the Save Our Woods campaign and 5 to keep it going


Alex Lockwood’s considered analysis of today’s public consultation announcement and the government’s plans to sell the Public Forest Estate.

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Public Consultation – The Future of the Public Forest Estate in England


Public Consultation – The Future of the Public Forest Estate in England

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Consultation day dawns in the woods


As the sun rises on the day of the public consultation over the forest sell-off, is our environment worth so little that we consider putting a price tag on it?

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Does the National Trust really back public concerns?


The National Trust says in its position statement that it “backs public concerns” over a forest sale. wildelycreative doesn’t believe them.

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The economic issue


How does the Government’s economic reasons for a forest sale stack up?

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Peak & Northern Footpath Society: Faults Database


There are almost 5000 unresolved access problems in the NW of England. Many of these occur when footpaths cross privately owned land.

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Private Eye: Forest chumps


An article in Private Eye debunks the Government’s myth that a sale of the PFE is for economic reasons.

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Public Forest Estate: Social Study (Final Report)


In October 2009 the Forestry Commission published Key Findings from a Social Study conducted to establish whether people have different perceptions and expectations of publicly owned forests compared to those in other forms of ownership.

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