We love trees and forests and woods, and we know you do too. What better day to share that love than Valentine’s Day?
14th February is the next day the House of Lords meets to discuss the Public Bodies Bill. We need your help to share the love as we continue the campaign to Save Our Forests.
Many Peers prefer letters to emails and we need all the help we can get to send a Love Trees Valentine to the House of Lords.
- Enter your name, email address and the number of letters you have time to write in the form below
- Save Our Woods will email you details of
o who to write to
o ideas for what to write
o where to send your letter
- Write your letter, pop a stamp on it and stick it in the post before
12pm on Friday 11th February
It’s that simple!
We think if the Peers in the House of Lords knew how much we love our land and the Forest Heroes who manage it we could Save Our Forests.
Are you up for a bit of letter writing?
Do you have time to send more Valentine’s?
Don’t forget to let us know how many letters you can write and post
Share a little love this Valentine’s Day and send a Lord a Love Trees Valentine with Save Our Woods!
Do you mean Friday 11th or Saturday 12th? Sorry to be pedantic!!
Thanks Beccy being pedantic – what a silly mistake for me to make!
It is indeed FRIDAY 11th FEBRUARY. I’ve corrected the text now, thanks so much for your eagle eyes