Hen Anderson

Public Forest Estate – an update


As the long grass turns to scrub, the big question hanging on our lips this past 3 YEARS is ‘what will Government DO with our Public Forest Estate?’


Biodiversity Offsetting? Lets call it what it is: Greenwash for the destruction of nature for money


We’ve heard of how de-humanising people enables us to commit atrocities against one another, I believe that reducing a forest to tradable biodiversity units is de-naturising and will enable atrocities against nature.


Government response to Forest Campaign – it’s a Victory, no doubt about it!


Public Forest Estate – SECURED in public ownership (unclear if in perpetuity), 15% sales – STOPPED, Forestry Commission – given more freedom from Government, Funding – Huge concern, Structure – yet to be decided. Is it just a vote winner or is it actually useful?
