Search: NPPF

The National Planning Policy Framework – what future for wildlife?


Stephen Trotter, Chief Executive of Warwickshire Wildlife Trust, writes in a personal capacity about his concerns about the NPPF and its potential to implement aspirations of the Natural Environment White Paper

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The National Trust – Planning for People


The National Trusts, Ben Cowell, explains exactly why the Trust is fighting so hard to inform the public of potential issues with the NPPF and have the draft changed..

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A Garden for Everyone? by Rod Leslie


In our crowded country we simply haven’t the space for everyone to have a garden, so why shouldn’t we have gardens for everyone? by Rod Leslie

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Ancient coppiced Oak, a portal to another World… Deep Play


An illustration of how important it is that children have access to natural spaces; the closer to home the better…

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Campaigning for Everybody’s Landscape


The United Kingdom ratified the European Landscape Convention: It appears that whilst DEFRA are fully aware of the convention, are the DCLG?

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13 Steps towards a National Planning Policy Framework


Alister Scott, Professor of Spatial Planning and Governance of Birmingham City University, is a social scientist, geographer and chartered planner with research interests centred around the changing nature of governance and partnerships. Here are his 13 steps towards a National Planning Policy Framework..

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Wild Space – Hen goes to Forest School


Hen goes to Forest School and learns more than she bargained for… #NPPF #Riots

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National Planning Policy Framework – What about OUR WOODS?!


The government has published it’s draft National Planning Policy Framework. Pip Howard explains what the reality will be for our woodlands and what the word ‘sustainable’ really means…

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