Biodiversity offsetting permits previously rejected housing development


Tyneside wildlife areas threatened by new development – biodiversity offsetting undermining local communities?

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NPPF: The Treaty of Eland House


The NPPF is a return to old school politics and good old Humphrey Appleby lingo (Although the referral to the wrong UN resolution on Sustainable Development is a major embarrassment).

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The SuDS Consultation – further delay in sustainable development.


Gov’t is consulting on proposed changes to SuDS (sustainable drainage systems) legislation.

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Why you should worry about the changes to planning policy…


The opportunity to create a policy that would ensure positive, truly sustainable development of our landscape has been wasted by the desire to give a quick boost to the economy in uncertain times.

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Soils, Sustainability & the NPPF


Soil is the central hub for sustainability as essential to us and our economic progress as it is to the plants and animals we share our landscape with…

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The National Planning Policy Framework – what future for wildlife?


Stephen Trotter, Chief Executive of Warwickshire Wildlife Trust, writes in a personal capacity about his concerns about the NPPF and its potential to implement aspirations of the Natural Environment White Paper

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The National Trust – Planning for People


The National Trusts, Ben Cowell, explains exactly why the Trust is fighting so hard to inform the public of potential issues with the NPPF and have the draft changed..

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Will the NPPF if introduced really help the construction industry or just those on the periphery?


Retired civil engineer Dr J Flattery explores the reality of the draft NPPF to builders, contractors and landscapers…

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A Garden for Everyone? by Rod Leslie


In our crowded country we simply haven’t the space for everyone to have a garden, so why shouldn’t we have gardens for everyone? by Rod Leslie

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The Powerful Link Between Conserving Land and Preserving Human Health


Richard Louv, author of Last Child in the Woods, writes… “Evidence suggests that children & adults benefit so much from contact with nature that land conservation can now be viewed as a public health strategy..”

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Ancient coppiced Oak, a portal to another World… Deep Play


An illustration of how important it is that children have access to natural spaces; the closer to home the better…

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Draft NPPF – Time to look at case studies from abroad & allow public participation


We now need to read and investigate; other case studies, Agenda 21 ? & other legally binding international documentation including European convention text, published academic research, etc.

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Why is the Government drawing battle lines over the NPPF?


Greg Clark, the minister responsible for the draft NPPF, has drafted in George Osbourne & Eric Pickles to try & quash the campaign that exists to clarify points within the proposed new framework.

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Campaigning for Everybody’s Landscape


The United Kingdom ratified the European Landscape Convention: It appears that whilst DEFRA are fully aware of the convention, are the DCLG?

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13 Steps towards a National Planning Policy Framework


Alister Scott, Professor of Spatial Planning and Governance of Birmingham City University, is a social scientist, geographer and chartered planner with research interests centred around the changing nature of governance and partnerships. Here are his 13 steps towards a National Planning Policy Framework..

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Sustainability and the draft NPPF. Greg Clarks attack on the National Trust.


Mr Clark, the politician responsible for the Draft National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), last week attacked the National Trust for highlighting the potential negative impacts it may have on the natural spaces closest to our towns and cities.

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The Forest Sell Off & the NPPF: We Need a Dictionary of Definitions


Without tools to aid the general populace to reach a rational decision, or an illustration that government, NGOs and other experts are talking the same language, we will forever be stuck in a mire of ‘green washed’ terminology…

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What Does Sustainability Mean to Me?


Si Jakeman, a fire fighter from London, shares with us his vision of Deep Sustainability and interconnectedness…

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Wild Space – Hen goes to Forest School


Hen goes to Forest School and learns more than she bargained for… #NPPF #Riots

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The NPPF > A Response to: ‘Advice produced by the Planning Inspectorate for use by its Inspectors’


The National Trust are gearing up to campaign against the draft National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF). We must join them and raise a voice against what could be the most damaging proposals for ALL UK landscapes since the 1930’s.

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