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Browse the latest news and press articles from the Save Our Woods campaign. Heard something? Want to tell us about it? Get in touch – we’d love to hear from you.

Whose Forest? Event at Coleford, Forest of Dean


On Saturday July 9, from 11am to 5pm, the Coleford Festival of Words (in association with HOOF) presents at the Forest of Dean town’s Baptist Church (in Newland Street) a showcase of HOOF so far

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Our new countdown begins today – SAVE OUR FORESTS!


There are just 31 days left to submit your views to the Forestry Panel on the future direction of England’s forests and woodlands…

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Today sees the launch of a new ‘ginger-group’, Our Forests!


Our Forests has been formed to make sure that the views of the more than half a million people who signed the 38 Degrees ‘Save Our Forests’ petition against the Government’s plans to sell-off the Public Forest Estate in England are listened to.

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Forestry Commission 25% Cuts – Details


*UPDATED 26/05/11* Download the FULL details here: FC-Cuts-Presentation-230511.pdf The Forestry Commission will be cutting 250 jobs and the 12 districts currently covered by the Forestry Commission will merge to form 5 or 6 districts. In simple terms… by 2015 our Public Foresters will be looking after larger areas with 23% less of a workforce.  All […]

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Panel opens its doors for views on forests and woods and announces forest visits


PRESS RELEASE FROM THE FORESTRY PANEL – The Independent Panel on Forestry is today, Thursday 19th May, inviting everyone interested in forests and woods to come forward, share their views and join in a public conversation. Following its second meeting, the Panel is also pleased to announce its initial visits: to the Forest of Dean, […]

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Is that the Forestry Panel I hear?


There are quiet murmurings that the Forestry Panel is about to engage! Finally we will see the details of public meetings and forest site visits, as well as a call for us, the public, to share our views and offer up evidence of why we believe it is best that our public forest estate remains in […]

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15% Forest sell off – Secretary of State Clarifies


Secretary of State clarifies the details of the 15% forest sell off.

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Forest Lovers Celebrate in Friston Forest

Thumbnail image for Forest Lovers Celebrate in Friston Forest

Hot off the press from Sussex Keep Our Forests Public, the organisers of Sunday’s celebration in Friston Forest in East Sussex. A great day was had by all!

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Save Our Woods celebrates at Friston Forest


Nick and Gertie are heading to Friston Forest tomorrow for Celebrate Our Forests Day. Come and say hello!

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Celebrate Our Forests Day!

Thumbnail image for Celebrate Our Forests Day!

One of the things the Save Our Forests campaign has highlighted is how much we love our forests and woodland. To celebrate this, Sunday the 20th March has been declared Celebrate Our Forests Day. Why not get out enjoy it?

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‘Independent’ Panel members announced


The government have finally announced the members of the panel and their terms of reference…

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How Many Seats on the Independent Panel?


As previously published by SOW (24th Feb 2011 How will the Public Voice be Heard on the Independent Panel), it appeared that the panel would only have five seats. However, following numerous requests from campaign groups, individuals, and other interested parties to have a voice on the panel, the government may have realised that five […]

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The Independent Panel


“we are now setting up an independent panel on forestry that will consider the whole future direction of policy for England’s woods and forests.”  Lord Henley, House of Lords Forest debate In a week or two the chairman of the independent panel will be announced, shortly afterwards the names of those on the panel will be released. […]

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Do YOU Remember the Save Our Forests Campaign?


Was it really very long ago that we were all rallying in our local woods, starting campaigns, tweeting, facebooking and blogging ourselves to exhaustion about the Public Bodies Bill and the Public Forest Sell Off? What’s happening now?

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SOW Briefing for Westminster Debate on the Future of the FC


Save Our Woods issued this briefing in advance of the Westminster Debate on the Future of the Forestry Commission on 1st march 2011.

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The Report That They Didn’t Want You to See…


In May 2010 a working group of 14 experts in forestry, woodland and sustainable environmental management finalised their report to government on: The long-term role of the Forestry Commission Public Forest Estate in England.

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Campaign success but the Westminster machinery is still poised for future sales


After the highs of last week, now it’s time to step back, take stock and look through the facts again.

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How will the public voice be heard on the independent panel?


SOW believes there should be a public representative to witness the proceedings of the “independent” panel and that the public should have a voice in the panels discussions on the future of our Public Forest Estate.

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A victorious day – but still a long way to go

Thumbnail image for A victorious day – but still a long way to go

Together we can celebrate a victorious day for our publicly owned woodlands. But there’s still a long way to go to ensure we’re doing the best for our forests.

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Let’s see what tomorrow brings…


Cautiously optimistic?

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