Why I Love Trees by wildelycreative


in Love Trees

wildelycreative   |   Save Our Woods

This picture of me was taken by nature and wildelife photographer, Jason Smalley. It shows me being everything the woods make me feel – happy, alive, connected.

While I love all aspects of our natural world there is something that stirs deep in my soul when I spend time around trees. Something electric and tingly and calming all at once.

Trees can tell us stories if we listen hard enough. Not with our ears but with our whole being.

Our lives and their lives are intrinsically connected. It is impossible to break that connection but easy to forget it.

They’re just trees, right? Wrong – they are food, roosting spots and protection from predators for birds and all manner of wild creatures. Oak trees support more than 300 species of creature on each tree. They are carbon sinks when mature, the lungs of our planet.

Spending time in the woods always inspires tales of faeries and secrets, heroes and monsters. Trees are magic and there’s no escaping the fact that our lives and theres are deeply entwined.


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shaun February 7, 2011 at 17:03

cant agree more

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